Duke Energy Says it Will Close SC Coal Ash PitsDuke Energy Says it Will Close SC Coal Ash Pits
September 24, 2014
Duke Energy told state regulators Tuesday it plans to remove coal ash from one of its South Carolina waste pits and close two more at a power station that environmentalists say threatens the Saluda River.
Environmentalists said the plan was a good first step, but didn't go far enough because it leaves in place two "unsafe" dams at the W.S. Lee Power Station.
"The dam issues at Lee are urgent and require quick, direct action," said Frank Holleman, staff attorney for the Southern Environmental Law Center, which has filed several lawsuits to force Duke to clean up the Charlotte-based utility's coal ash pits.
Duke requested the meeting with the Public Service Commission to update the agency on the company's "coal ash management activities" in the state, said Mike Ruhe, the company's environmental policy affairs director.
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