Ann Arbor, Mich., Votes to Raise Statewide Waste Tipping FeeAnn Arbor, Mich., Votes to Raise Statewide Waste Tipping Fee
The City Council unanimously approved a resolution to raise the state’s solid waste tipping fee from 36 cents per ton to $4.44 per ton.
The Ann Arbor, Mich., City Council unanimously approved a resolution to raise the state’s solid waste tipping fee from 36 cents per ton to $4.44 per ton. Officials said the low tipping fee makes the state “a dumping ground” for trash from other states and Canada.
According to an Ann Arbor News report, the resolution notes neighboring states' rates: $13 per ton in Wisconsin, $6.25 per ton in Pennsylvania, $4.75 per ton in Ohio and 60 cents per ton in Ohio, with an average of $5.30 per ton.
Back in April, Gov. Rick Snyder voiced support for Senate Bill 943 to increase landfill tipping fees, but it hasn't moved out of committee.
MLive’s Ann Arbor News has more details:
Ann Arbor officials are backing Gov. Rick Snyder's proposal to increase the state's trash tip fees, and they're hoping the Michigan Legislature acts on it in the next month.
"Michigan's extremely low solid waste tip fee makes Michigan a dumping ground for garbage from other states and from Canada," the City Council stated in a resolution unanimously approved Monday night, Nov. 19, noting more than 25 percent of the trash currently being buried in Michigan landfills is imported.
The council voiced support for increasing Michigan's solid waste tip fee from 36 cents per ton to $4.44 per ton to, in part, provide $24 million per year for recycling and solid waste management programs.
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