Youth Engagement in Food Recovery for a More Sustainable Food System: Strategies and Opportunities (WasteExpo 2018)Youth Engagement in Food Recovery for a More Sustainable Food System: Strategies and Opportunities (WasteExpo 2018)
May 30, 2018
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In this session, we explore what is happening at colleges and culinary programs around the country to mold energetic learners into food system activists and advocates. The session will feature three programs with hands-on examples and food product samples.
Moderator: Regina Northouse, Executive Director, Food Recovery Network
Towards a New Triple Bottom Line in Food Product Development. Jonathan Deutsch, Professor, Center for Food and Hospitality Management. Drexel University and the James Beard FoundationThe Drexel Food Lab unites students and faculty in culinary arts, food science, nutrition and related fields around solving real world problems. Students have been engaged with farmers, food manufacturers, retailers, and food banks to convert surplus food into market-driven value-added food products.
Training the Next Generation of Chefs to Reduce Food Waste. Kris Moon, VP, James Beard Foundation.The James Beard Foundation, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, recently embarked on a national curriculum project to train culinary students in food waste recovery within and beyond commercial kitchens.
Organizing Youth for Food Recovery. Regina Northouse, Executive Director, Food Recovery Network.In the 229-chapter National Food Recovery Network, students work with food providers and the chef community to recover and distribute by applying a national model to address food insecurity.
Click here for more conference program sessions from WasteExpo 2018.
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