S.C. Elected Officials Continue to Seek Solutions for Recycling ProgramS.C. Elected Officials Continue to Seek Solutions for Recycling Program
A curbside recycling program fell through for Dorchester County residents, leaving elected officials scrambling to find a new solution.
Elected officials in the State of South Carolina are left scrambling to find a solution for a recycling program for Dorchester County residents after a curbside recycling program slated for them fell through. The officials are unsure where the disconnect happened between the city and the county.
For the time being, the town of Summerville is going to allow residents to subscribe to a private company for curbside pickup of metals and plastics. The town will also continue to provide curbside pickup of paper and cardboard for all residents.
The Post and Courier has more details:
A proposal to bring curbside recycling back to North Charleston residents who live in Dorchester County seems to have fallen through, leaving elected officials baffled about what went wrong.
“I thought we had a plan worked out,” said Dorchester County Councilman Larry Hargett. “I really don’t understand what happened between the county and the city.”
Meanwhile, the town of Summerville is going to allow residents to subscribe to a private company for curbside pickup for metals and plastics, while the town continues to pick up of paper and cardboard for all residents.
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