Collected Shots Photo GalleriesCollected Shots Photo Galleries
The waste and recycling industry from your point of view
July 18, 2011
Introducing Collected Shots, your chance to show us the waste and recycling industry from your point of view! Scroll to the bottom of the page for past Collected Shots galleries, or read on for information on how to submit your own!
We know our readers have a unique angle on the waste and recycling industry. Well now’s your chance to literally show us how you see things. The Collected Shots galleries, created and hosted by, Waste Age magazine and WasteExpo, offers waste industry professionals, companies and associations the opportunity to share interesting photos and news with your peers. We're looking for great photos that help portray interesting, exciting and vital trends and activities occurring in our industry, including volunteer efforts, major new initiatives, new products, new hires, teamwork, etc.
We want your photos of:
You and your colleagues on the job (interacting with customers along your route, working the transfer station tipping floor, on the MRF picking line, ranging the landfill, etc.).
Industry personalities.
Industry events.
Volunteer and charity events in which your firm participates.
School and community recycling and waste education events.
Crazy objects you’ve found in the course of your work.
Anything that you feel reflects the current state of waste and recycling!
We do not want:
Promotional shots of products, equipment or facilities.
No more than three photos per e-mail.
Each photo should be accompanied by a max 50-word description. Feel free to include an external link, but we reserve the right to exclude. If you’re sending multiple photos, please be sure to indicate which description goes with which photo.
.JPG format preferred.
Email photos and a Word .doc with description(s) to [email protected].
IMPORTANT: By sending in your photos you allow the unlimited use of the supplied photos and descriptions, to be used at the discretion of the Waste Age / Waste360 team.
Collected Shots galleries:
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