Republic Services Faces Collection Challenges in Idaho Due to Winter WeatherRepublic Services Faces Collection Challenges in Idaho Due to Winter Weather

With many alleys still inaccessible, Republic is asking customers to place their collection carts as close to the nearest plowed street as possible by 7 a.m. on regular collection days.

Waste360 Staff, Staff

February 1, 2017

1 Min Read
Republic Services Faces Collection Challenges in Idaho Due to Winter Weather

The City of Boise, Idaho, has received a lot of snow and ice buildup over the past few weeks, and the city’s hauler, Republic Services, has faced many waste and recycling challenges due to the weather.

With many alleys still inaccessible, Republic is asking customers to place their trash and recycling carts as close to the nearest plowed street as possible by 7 a.m. on regular collection days. If customers cannot move their carts to a different location, they can place plastic garbage bags, paper leaf recycling bags and cardboard boxes under 35 pounds each near a cleared area for pickup.

KIVI has more information:

The heavy snowfall and ice buildup we’ve seen during the past several weeks in the Boise area has had a major impact on the ability of Republic Services -- the trash and recycling contractor for the City of Boise -- to collect trash and recycling in city alleys, officials said.

“Due to snow, icy ruts, and ice berms in many alleys, collection trucks have been unable to safely access those routes. In particular, managers are concerned that the loaded 50,000-pound trucks that require up to nine-feet of clearance width could damage private property or infrastructure in tight alleys,” said Boise City Public Works spokesman Colin Hickman.

Read the full story here.

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