Historic Mexico City Develops Mounds of Waste Amongst Scramble For New LandfillHistoric Mexico City Develops Mounds of Waste Amongst Scramble For New Landfill

The city of Oaxaca, Mexico is currently experiencing a build-up of residential waste as officials hunt for a landfill.

November 14, 2022

1 Min Read
Marlon Trottmann / Alamy Stock Photo

Oaxaca, one of Mexico's most historic cities, has recently been burdened with heaping mounds of waste as officials work through developing where it can all be placed. Up until October of this year, the neighboring city called Zaachila used to receive all of Oaxaca's waste. After the Zaachila landfill was closed, residents of Oaxaca have not had their trash collected as there is not yet a new designated dumping area. The Mayor of Oaxaca, Francisco Martinez, has called attention to the issue calling it a state of emergency.

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