Casella Announces Permit Expansion at WasteUSA LandfillCasella Announces Permit Expansion at WasteUSA Landfill

The expansion will increase the lined disposal area by 51.2 acres, which will create roughly 20 years of additional airspace at the current run rate.

Waste360 Staff, Staff

September 10, 2019

1 Min Read
Casella Announces Permit Expansion at WasteUSA Landfill
Casella Waste Systems Twitter Image

Casella Waste Systems Inc., a regional solid waste, recycling and resource management services company, announced the state of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources and the Natural Resources Board have issued all necessary permits and approvals for the company to expand its WasteUSA landfill located in Coventry, Vt.  The expansion will increase the lined disposal area by 51.2 acres, or by approximately 13.7 million cubic yards, which will create approximately 20 years of additional airspace at the current run rate.

The landfill is currently permitted to accept up to 600,000 tons per year of municipal solid waste.

“We are very excited to receive this important permit expansion at our WasteUSA landfill,” said John W. Casella, chairman and CEO of Casella Waste Systems, in a statement. “Over the last 25 years, the WasteUSA landfill has been an important element of our integrated resource management infrastructure in Vermont, which also includes recycling, organics and collection services. Our investment in this comprehensive infrastructure has helped our customers in Vermont take a balanced approach to sustainability. And, with this expansion, we are well positioned to continue to meet the state’s solid waste disposal needs into the future.” 

New England Waste Services of Vermont Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Casella Waste Systems Inc., is the owner and operator of the facility. On July 23, the state of Vermont District Environmental Commission No. 7 issued a land-use permit for the landfill expansion project.

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