EPA Announces NEEF Board of DirectorsEPA Announces NEEF Board of Directors
NEEF coordinates with EPA on key initiatives, including EPA's Recycling Initiative, Trash-free Waters Program and Winning on Reducing Food Waste initiative.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler has announced four-year appointments to the National Environmental Education and Training Foundation’s (NEEF) Board of Directors. NEEF, a nonprofit created under the National Environmental Education Act of 1990 (NEEA), was established by Congress as a common ground upon which leaders from business and industry, all levels of government, public interest groups and others can work cooperatively to raise a greater national awareness of environmental issues beyond traditional classrooms.
Per NEEA, the EPA administrator appoints and reappoints eligible individuals to serve on NEEF's Board of Directors. The administrator announced the following four-year appointments to NEEF's Board of Directors, effective 90 days after publication of the October 7 notice in the Federal Register:
Jeniffer Harper-Taylor of Siemens Foundation (re-appointment)
Jennifer Love of Royal Caribbean International
Lori A. McFarling of Discovery Education
Steve Sikra of Proctor & Gamble
In early 2019, EPA's Office of the Administrator formed an internal review panel comprising senior EPA career officials tasked with verifying the qualifications of all future members of the NEEF Board of Directors.
In December 2018, NEEF signed a first-time Memorandum of Understanding with Wheeler to establish increased coordination between EPA and NEEF on key EPA initiatives including but not limited to EPA's Recycling Initiative, Trash-free Waters Program, Winning on Reducing Food Waste initiative and the Healthy Schools Initiative.
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