Allentown, Pa., Rezones Waste Incinerator SiteAllentown, Pa., Rezones Waste Incinerator Site
According to city documents, the move will allow “more intense industrial usages” and development options.

The Allentown, Pa., City Council just approved to rezone a former waste incinerator site from Business Light Industrial to General Industrial to allow for more development options.
City documents claim that "changing the zoning will make the property more likely to be developed by allowing more intense industrial usages," WFMZ reports. In addition, railroad access may be possible to the property, which may be needed to serve new industry.
WFMZ has more details:
Allentown City Council approved the rezoning of a former incinerator site during Wednesday night's meeting. The vote was 6-0.
The site is located off of Basin Street. The change will alter the zone from Business Light Industrial, or BL-1, to General Industrial, or I-3.
"Changing the zoning will make the property more likely to be developed by allowing more intense industrial usages," according to city documents.
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