Florida Governor Vetoes Repeal of Yard Waste BanFlorida Governor Vetoes Repeal of Yard Waste Ban
June 4, 2010
Florida Gov. Charlie Crist has vetoed House Bill 569, which would have overturned the state’s long-standing ban on disposing of yard waste in landfills. The bill would have required facilities accepting yard waste to “make beneficial use” of the resulting methane but Crist had concerns “about the lack of Florida-specific data” showing that “the proposed practice would result in a net reduction of greenhouse gases or a savings to consumers,” according to the governor’s veto letter.
“Florida is a leader in recycling,” Crist wrote in his letter. “I am concerned that this bill will be step backward in our efforts. Additionally, maintaining a ban on yard trash disposal in a Class I landfill means it will extend the life of these costly and difficult-to-site facilities.”
• To read about Florida's recently established 75 percent landfill diversion goal, click here.
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