Mound Design (WWETT Show 2023)

March 23, 2023


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Onsite wastewater treatment utilizing sand mounds (sometimes referred to as raised bed systems) have become a popular upgrade from the normal below ground soil dispersal systems in many states.  Mound systems combine treatment with improved dispersal in situations where it is needed.  Mounds can be used to overcome shallow groundwater conditions, a shallow soil mantle, insufficient depth to limiting layers, and slowly permeable native soil conditions.  When combined with equal distribution of the septic tank effluent and careful construction practices, experience has shown that mounds are a very robust combined treatment and dispersal component for both residential and commercial applications.

Learning Objectives:

1. Recognize sites that are suitable for the use of an elevated sand mound for wastewater treatment and dispersal

2. Properly place a mound system on a site for maximum success

3. Recognize the benefits and limitations of mound treatment systems

4. Discuss the process of designing a wastewater system to utilize the treatment and dispersal of wastewater using a mound system

Speaker:  Larry Stephens, President at Stephens Consulting Services

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