SUTERA Develops Solution for Safer Textile CollectionsSUTERA Develops Solution for Safer Textile Collections
The solution is an in-ground container designed with a small access tube to prevent persons from entering the unit to scavenge donated materials.
SUTERA just announced the development of its new textile collection solution that aims to prevent accidents and deaths associated with the use of traditional clothing collection bins.
The SUTERA Textile Collection Solution unit is an in-ground container designed with a small access tube to prevent persons from entering the unit to scavenge donated materials. The container has a pre-cast concrete and steel design that is safe, durable and cannot be broken into.
According to the company, the design ensures a safe experience for those donating clothing, the host service provider and the general public.
“We were horrified to learn of the unfortunate deaths of persons trying to access materials in clothing collection bins across Canada,” said Steven Cseresnyesi, vice president of SUTERA, in a statement. “Our Textile Collection Solution unit is a safe alternative to traditional clothing collection bins, and we’ve ramped up production of these units for public, private and nonprofit organizations.”
Discarded textiles comprise approximately 11 percent of the overall waste stream. The diversion of textile materials is predominantly through drop-off collection bins operated by charitable organizations in communities across the United States.
“It is important that the public is assured that the materials they are donating do not pose a risk for other citizens and are not discarded in regular garbage, ending up in a landfill thereby preventing the reuse of these materials,” added Cseresnyesi.
SUTERA is a Greenville, S.C.-based company that provides a suite of in-ground waste containers designed for the collection of garbage, recyclables, organics, dog waste and other waste streams in the municipal and industrial, commercial and institutional sector across Canada.
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