Nine Stories from Around the Waste and Recycling Industry for Feb. 13Nine Stories from Around the Waste and Recycling Industry for Feb. 13

David Bodamer, Executive Director, Content & User Engagement

February 13, 2014

5 Min Read
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Officials weigh how to deal with nuclear waste in Missouri; environmental violations lead to a legal settlement in Massachusetts; an Indianapolis Colt recalls his former life as a garbage man; and increased toxic waste levels in Maine are among today’s news and notes from around the waste and recycling industry.

More at the links below:

  • Missouri Congressional Delegation Debating Bridgeton Landfill Plan. “ Mounting public pressure for the removal of nuclear waste from the West Lake Landfill is the topic, as the Missouri Congressional delegation meets about what to do. While the Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill next door burns, the West Lake Landfill’s nuclear waste is on the agenda as Missouri Senators McCaskill and Blunt meet with Cogressmen Clay and Wagner. McCaskill says she’s aware many residents want the mess transfeered from the jurisdiction of the EPA to the more clean-up prone Army Corps of Engineers.” (CBS St. Louis)

  • Recycling companies settle environmental violation allegations in Massachusetts. “ Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley announced a $125,000 agreement on Monday with two recycling companies that allegedly filled and excavated protected wetlands. Allied Recycling Center Inc. and Recycling Walpole LLC also allegedly engaged in the improper storage of solid and hazardous waste materials at a scrapyard in Walpole. Coakley alleged the companies began illegally filling and altering wetland areas at and around their 17-acre property since as early as 1988.” (Legal Newsline)

  • New Colts Safety David Sims Recalls Life as a Garbage Man. “ The stops David Sims should have been making in 2006 were to the likes of Neyland Stadium, the Georgia Dome and eventually the National Championship game in Glendale, Arizona. Instead, the stops Sims made were much shorter and far less scenic. Instead of leaping into the air for interceptions on a Florida Gators National Championship team, Sims was “leaping” off of garbage trucks. If the waste management job wasn’t enough, Sims was also working night shifts at Sam’s Club stocking shelves. ” (

  • Maine shows toxic waste increase in EPA report. “ A paper mill in Rumford is the state’s largest producer of toxic waste. A new toxic waste report released by the EPA says the New Page mill produced the most toxic waste in 2012. The report says 88 facilities in Maine, mostly paper mills, released over 11 million pounds of toxic waste into the air, land, and water. That’s an increase of over 650,000 pounds since 2011. ” (

  • Bourne Board of Health to discuss Landfill energy project. “ The Bourne Board of Health is set tonight (Wednesday) to discuss the state of Harvest Power negotiations with the town; talks that could lead to establishment of a waste-to-energy project at the landfill off MacArthur Boulevard.… Harvest Power specializes in working with communities to take organic waste and generate renewable energy as well as high-quality fertilizer and mulch. The venture could dovetail with continuing state efforts to implement a ban on food waste from supermarkets, restaurants and nursing facilities being buried in landfills.(Bourne Wicked Local)

  • Palmyra eyes new recycling compactor, community center fees. “ Recycling systems, community center operations and finalizing the town warrant articles were the major items discussed at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 12. Palmyra does a good job of recycling, Jim Dunning of Pine Tree Waste said, with 36.4 tons collected between April and December 2012. This weight and volume, with the current recycling systems, means the town is hauling weekly to a collection center costing $300 per load based on volume. To reduce costs, the selectmen finalized Article 20 in the 52-article warrant which asks if the town wants to purchase and set up a compactor for recycled items such as glass, plastic milk cartons and tin cans.” (Bangor Daily News)

  • Waste district tables employee changes amid disagreement. “ The Athens-Hocking Solid Waste District is looking at ways to further separate from the non-profit recycling side of its operation, but tabled a resolution in that direction at its latest meeting Monday morning…. Now the waste district board is looking at transferring employees to the non-profit, as proposed in the resolution that was tabled, which also included a provision allowing for the sale of equipment to the separate non-profit entity…. The resolution would "terminate" 14 district union employees, with an effective date of March 1, in order that they be hired by Athens-Hocking Recycling Centers, Inc.” (The Athens News)

  • Village Expands Recycling Program. “ The village of Westbury recycling program will expand this weekend to accept items such as shredded paper and plastics 4, 5 and 6. The village’s recycling program is mandatory and village clerk Ted Blach estimates that approximately 50 percent of all households actively participate. Mayor Peter Cavallaro said that the village has made its recycling program more comprehensive over the past five years and that recent requests by residents led to further expansion of the program. ” (Westbury Times)

  • Judge rejects Milpitas landfill lawsuit. “ City of Milpitas' 2012 lawsuit against potential increases in odor, noise and other quality of life impacts due to an approved expansion of Newby Island Landfill and Resource Recovery Park on the Milpitas-San Jose border has been rejected. In response, the city plans to file an appeal. In December, Superior Court Judge Joseph H. Huber ruled Milpitas' suit, which condemned City of San Jose's environmental impact report as inadequate toward formally approving a 95-foot height increase to the dump at 1601 Dixon Landing Road, had not been proven legally.” (San Jose Mercuery News)

About the Author

David Bodamer

Executive Director, Content & User Engagement, Waste360

David Bodamer is Executive Director of Content & User Engagement for Waste360 and NREI. Bodamer joined Waste360 in January 2014. He has been with NREI since September 2011 and has been covering the commercial real estate sector since 1999 for Retail Traffic, Commercial Property News and Shopping Centers Today. He also previously worked for Civil Engineering magazine. His writings on real estate have also appeared in REP. and the Wall Street Journal’s online real estate news site. He has won multiple awards from the National Association of Real Estate Editors and is a past finalist for a Jesse H. Neal Award. 

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