Meridian Waste Enhances Curbside Recycling for Troy, Mo.Meridian Waste Enhances Curbside Recycling for Troy, Mo.
Dual stream recycling to include curbside fiber collections for city residents.

Meridian Waste, an integrated, non-hazardous solid waste services company, has enhanced curbside recycling efforts to include fiber materials for the city of Troy, Mo.
Meridian Waste is enhancing recycling efforts by giving existing recycling customers the option of adding a fiber recycling cart to their curbside environmental services. The fiber cart will allow customers to recycle cardboard and mixed papers to include computer paper, phone books and other similar items. Customers have a rigids cart to recycle their aluminum, tin and steel cans and plastics Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7.
Dual stream recycling separates the clean, recyclable materials from the source, allowing citizens to do their part in keeping the environment clean and safe with two recycling carts. The Missouri Recycling Crisis is part of a larger global movement to increase the recyclability of materials while reducing the contamination of materials. Contaminated, or unclean, items become waste, and in many cases render the entire batch of recyclables unusable.
Customers can expect notifications in the form of a mailed postcard, emails and SMS text messages from Meridian Waste and the city of Troy with reminders on how to opt-in or opt-out of the fiber recycling program.
Troy residents who are existing recycling customers can opt-in by choosing their recycling cart or opt-out of the program by November 15. Customers can make their selection online, and there is no additional cost to add the fiber cart.
Residents who would like to sign up for recycling service may do so by visiting City Hall or by calling the city.
Carts will be delivered November 25 through December 7. The fiber recycling program begins on December 9. Recycling pickup will rotate each week between the fiber and rigids carts.
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