Going Green: How to Create an Eco-Friendly Beauty Regimen

June 1, 2020

1 Min Read

Globally we need to make a conscious effort to protect our planet. Everything we do impacts the Earth. Yes, even our beauty routines. 

There are many small changes consumers can make to create an eco-friendly beauty routine. They include: supporting eco-friendly brands; recycling empty beauty products properly; choosing reusable options; choosing products with biodegradable ingredients; using zero-waste packaging; buying refillable products; and reducing single-use products.

"The beauty industry is only behind the food and beverage industry as one of the world's biggest sources of waste," said Belinda Smith, the founder of St. Rose. "However, instead of feeling guilty or discouraged let's do something about it. Small progress every day is a big win and we all need to do our part if we are going to steer this ship around."

Read the original article here.

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