Bismarck, N.D., Diverts 3,547 Tons of Recyclables from LandfillBismarck, N.D., Diverts 3,547 Tons of Recyclables from Landfill
The city’s single sort recycling program recycled 3,547 tons of aluminum, mixed paper, plastic, tin and glass in 2019.

A year-end report for the city of Bismarck, N.D., reveals that the city’s single sort recycling program recycled 3,547 tons of aluminum, mixed paper, plastic, tin and glass, according to KX News.
The report notes that the recycled material represents enough landfill space saved to serve the disposal needs of 15,696 people.
Waste Management, which provides curbside collection services for Bismarck residents, has armed the city with information on how to recycle right. A recycling brochure from Waste Management urges residents to make recycling economically and environmentally sustainable. It adds that “certain offenders, like bagged recyclables or loose plastic bags, can slow down the recycling process or even ruin the whole load. If we all do our part, the results can really add up.”
KX News has more:
According to a year-end report, Bismarck’s single-sort recycling program recycled 3,547 tons of aluminum, cardboard/paper, plastic, tin and glass.
That’s 3,547 tons less of waste and debris buried in the landfill.
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