SWANA Unveils New WASTECON Logo, 2019 ThemeSWANA Unveils New WASTECON Logo, 2019 Theme

Updated logo and "Pathway to Innovation" theme to debut in Phoenix next year.

Waste360 Staff, Staff

August 24, 2018

1 Min Read
SWANA Unveils New WASTECON Logo, 2019 Theme

During the final day of WASTECON 2018, the Solid Waste Association of North America’s (SWANA) largest conference, SWANA unveiled its updated conference logo and new theme for the 2019 event.

The new WASTECON branding stays true to the “W” that is indicative of the conference, and now includes a “C” with a circular arrow that alludes to recycling, renewable resources, circular economy and the industry movement toward overall sustainability.

“WASTECON’s new logo incorporates elements that highlight environmentally friendly resource management, one of SWANA’s main priorities,” said Frank Caponi, SWANA’s international president and division engineer for Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, in a statement. “The debut of this logo sets the stage for next year’s conference to be a truly unique event.”

Chosen by attendees at the 2018 conference in Nashville, WASTECON 2019’s theme, “Pathway to Innovation,” taking place in Phoenix October 21-24, will guide the conference programming in facing the challenges of integrated solid waste management with creativity, vision and innovation.

“Pathway to Innovation truly speaks to the inspiration that comes from this conference,” said Dave Bennett, SWANA’s Arizona Chapter president and solid waste manager for the city of Scottsdale, in a statement. “Coming to WASTECON gives entirely new perspectives on the big picture of how solid waste affects us socially, economically and environmentally, and I am excited for this new theme to guide us in industry learning and discovery.”

2019 marks 15 years since WASTECON has been in Arizona, bringing new professionals, programming and facilities into the mix, and creating a launching point for WASTECON’s new look.

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