From Rotten Apples to Juicy Returns: Investors Discuss Financing Organics Recovery and Waste Management Projects (WasteExpo 2019)From Rotten Apples to Juicy Returns: Investors Discuss Financing Organics Recovery and Waste Management Projects (WasteExpo 2019)

May 29, 2019

This session will cover the fundamentals of what investors look for when investing in organics and other waste management projects and technologies. Speakers will give an overview of what type of capital you’ll need at every stage of the project, e.g., project equity, debt, corporate equity, early development capital, etc. Discussion will also include how developers and stakeholders can present an organics project in a way that stands out to investors.

Moderator: Brandon Moffatt, StormFisher Ltd.


  • Brent Belding, Partner at Sparkstone Capital Advisors

  • John Dannan, Vice President, Waste to Value at Generate Capital

  • Josh Dale, Executive Director Project Finance at Rabobank

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