Communication as a Tool to Boost Sustainability (Zero Waste/Resource Recovery) (WasteExpo 2019)Communication as a Tool to Boost Sustainability (Zero Waste/Resource Recovery) (WasteExpo 2019)

May 29, 2019

In an effort to boost sustainability and landfill diversion, the ever-evolving resource management industry has increasingly relied on technological advances to meet their goals. However, one of the most valuable tools – communication - is often overlooked. Keeping customers informed and engaged is critical to driving successful recycling initiatives. This panel will share examples of strategies implemented by Central Texas cities and communities using local events, applications and social media channels to integrate their waste goals and connect with their residents to collectively work towards a better, cleaner environment.

Speakers: Ryan Buhay, ReCollect Systems; Jennifer Dudley, TDS; Jerry Hendrix, City of Kyle, TX

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