Artificial Intelligence & the War on Contamination (Technology) (WasteExpo 2019)Artificial Intelligence & the War on Contamination (Technology) (WasteExpo 2019)

May 22, 2019

China’s refusal to accept contaminated recyclables has proved difficult for North American hauling companies. Battling higher prices, lower earnings, and weighing the need for operational changes, haulers question how they can continue to operate at a loss and if the only solution is passing the cost to customers. This market disruption, however, provides the chance to re-examine and improve current disposal & collection habits with modern monitoring & reporting technology.

Join this panel as they examine modern technologies that are helping to stop contamination at the source - improving hauler profitability and driving toward business and municipal zero waste goals. Hear real-world case studies that show how full-scale visibility across waste streams can reliably collect information needed to coach better household & business disposal habits, guide governmental regulations and modify operations to maintain clean streams from start to finish.

Moderator: Rachel Oster, Diversion Strategies
Speakers: Jason Gates, Compology; Jason Rose, Waste Management

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