Vermont Court Affirms Consent Order on Moretown Landfill Closure, CleanupVermont Court Affirms Consent Order on Moretown Landfill Closure, Cleanup
A Vermont environmental court has affirmed a consent order agreed upon by Advanced Disposal Services Inc. and the state for the closure and cleanup of the company’s landfill in Moretown.
The state Superior Court’s Environmental Division affirmed the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources’ (ANR) March denial of Moretown Landfill Inc.’s (MLI) application for certification renewal at the landfill. The consent order prohibits the landfill, which operates as MLI, from accepting waste and requires MLI to cap the landfill, according to a news release from the Vermont Attorney General’s office. MLI also must investigate and remediate groundwater contamination and develop an odor control plan approved by the Vermont ANR.
“This consent order is a win for the environment and a win for Vermonters,” said Attorney General William Sorrell.
Mary O’Brien, chief marketing officer for the Ponte Vedra, Fla.-based Advanced Disposal, said in an e-mail statement that the court approved the previously agreed upon consent order without any substantive changes.
“The court listened to the concerns of the citizens and diligently reviewed the benefits of the consent order. Advanced Disposal is pleased with the court's acceptance of the consent order and will continue its efforts to fulfill its obligations as outlined within the agreement.”
The company assumed operation of the landfill in the fall of 2012 and has invested more than $1 million in infrastructure and operational improvements to the facility.
The Vermont ANR has wanted to close the landfill because of its previous environmental issues.
Advanced Disposal has made a request for a cell expansion permit. The state “reserves its rights to bring an enforcement action against MLI for past violations of Vermont’s environmental laws and regulations, and to fully review any future application to dispose of waste in a new cell at the facility.”
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