Chasing Transparency – Carbon Labeling (WasteExpo 2022)Chasing Transparency – Carbon Labeling (WasteExpo 2022)
June 2, 2022
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Join us for this session that will be so unique, you can’t google it. It will bring together perspectives beyond the waste industry to discuss a topic so nascent that the industry isn’t talking about it yet: carbon labeling.
Ever tried to buy a new mattress that’s better for your health and the environment? Or decide between two cars? Or, just pick the most sustainable can of beans at the grocery store?
Without objective, credible data, consumers (and businesses) can’t make educated environmental buying choices. Carbon labeling provides a more-standardized method for comparing the environmental impacts of consumers’ and businesses’ buying choices. Transparency is the foundation of ESG, and product data is one of the most credible ways to offer transparency and carbon labeling could have many applications in the waste industry.
You’ll leave with a better understanding of:
• Why we need to communicate consistent environmental information about consumer products
• Where we might see carbon labeling in the future in the waste industry
• How can we all be better consumers and vote with our dollars
Kristin Kinder (Moderator), VP of Research and Waste Stream Sustainability, Wastequip
Sandra Noonan, Chief Sustainability Officer, Just Salad
Michael Rosen, Consultant / Managing Principal (retired), PRR
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