Grand Rapids, Mich., Develops System to Keep City CleanGrand Rapids, Mich., Develops System to Keep City Clean
To keep streets clean during ArtPrize, the city has developed a system that uses different colored waste bins for trash disposal.
The city of Grand Rapids, Mich., has teamed with the West Michigan Environmental Action Council to keep the city’s streets clean of trash during this year's ArtPrize competition.
ArtPrize is an open, independently organized international art competition that takes place for 19 days every other fall in Grand Rapids and attracts more than 500,000 visitors.
The city has developed a S.O.R.T. system—Separate Organic Recycling and Trash—for the duration of the event. The system uses different colored waste bins to help ArtPrize attendees discard their trash in a sustainable way. Green bins will hold organics, yellow bins for recyclables and red bins will be designated for trash.
WZZM 13 has more details:
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - During ArtPrize, the streets of Grand Rapids are bustling with people, but one thing you won't see on those streets is trash.
The West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC) partnered with the city of Grand Rapids to develop the S.O.R.T. system during ArtPrize. It stands for Separate Organic Recycling and Trash.
"So, one of the newest additions is composting or organics and basically the idea is to pull as much food waste, paper waste and compostable single use containers out to eventually turn back into soil," said Angela Fox, the ArtPrize S.O.R.T. Coordinator.
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