Sanitation Worker Forms Friendship with Boy in WashingtonSanitation Worker Forms Friendship with Boy in Washington
In Snohomish, Wash., two-year-old Logan Greiert has befriended his garbage man, Kahli Smith.

In Snohomish, Wash., two-year-old Logan Greiert has befriended his garbage man, Kahli Smith. Each Friday, Logan waits outside his home for Kahli and then gifts him with a candy treat.
When Logan and his family go on vacation, Kahli makes sure to leave Logan a note to inform him that he stopped by. Once, he even left Logan an official Snohomish County Waste Management cap, which he now wears when it’s garbage time.
Logan has a passion for garbage trucks and often practices loading trash into his green toy garbage truck and then dumping it. Future sanitation worker in the making? We think so.
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It happens every single Friday.
A big green truck comes rumbling through the neighborhood in Snohomish, belching air and exhaling hydraulics and making all sorts of noise.
And every single Friday, Katie Greiert and her little guy Logan walk outside to watch.
Logan has blond hair and he was holding a red bag of M&M's. He was wearing a green polo shirt and a very serious, brow-furrowed expression, as if he was about to partake in something very important that needed concentration.
He is 2 years old.
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