Olmsted Falls, Ohio, Residents Make Use of Simple Recycling’s Textile Collection ProgramOlmsted Falls, Ohio, Residents Make Use of Simple Recycling’s Textile Collection Program
Over the past year, residents have made use of the program by placing household items in orange bags to be picked up on the same day as their refuse or recycling collection day.

Since its launch four years ago, Simple Recycling has become the largest and fastest growing curbside clothing recycling company in the U.S. The company began with two small pilot programs and now provides nearly 4 million residents in five states and nine marketplaces with services.
One of the communities utilizing Simple Recycling’s program is Olmsted Falls, Ohio. Over the past year, residents have made use of the program by placing items like clothing, jewelry, shoes, purses and backpacks, hats, toys, blankets, drapes and curtains, pillows, sleeping bags, tools, silverware and dishes and pots and pans in orange bags to be picked up on the same day as their refuse or recycling collection day.
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Recycling in many different forms is on the rise in Olmsted Falls. Mayor Ann Marie Donegan said for the past year residents have been receptive to the new citywide soft recycling program.
"Business & Community Services Manager Rosann Jones is always looking for ways to enhance people's lives as well as things that are kind to the environment and so forth," Donegan said. "She brought forward Simple Recycling, which is a company growing in participation from other municipalities."
Items accepted by Simple Recycling include men's clothing, women's clothing, children's clothing, coats/jackets, jewelry, shoes, purses, hats, toys, blankets, drapes/curtains, pillows, sleeping bags, tools, silverware, dishes, pots/pans and backpacks.
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