KK Kan Kare Offers Valet Services for Moving Waste Bins to the CurbKK Kan Kare Offers Valet Services for Moving Waste Bins to the Curb
KK Kan Kare offers weekly, monthly and annual contracts that are significantly lower than the city of Rehoboth Beach, Del.'s.
In 2016, Rehoboth Beach, Del., established a new ordinance that barred homeowners from putting out their garbage or recycling bins earlier than 6 p.m. the night before and required them to remove their receptacles from the curb by 9 p.m. on collection day.
This new ordinance sparked a demand from city residents for waste bin moving services. And to meet that demand, a local family created KK Kan Kare, which offers services for moving trash, recycling and yard waste bins to the curb and back. KK Kan Kare offers weekly, monthly and annual contracts that are significantly lower than the city’s.
The News Journal has more details:
Karen and Kyle Kolobielski don't look like your typical sanitation workers.
But their year-old company KK Kan Kare may be the fastest-growing trash company in Rehoboth Beach, going from a few dozen customers to more than 100 in less than a year.
"I don't really think about us being in the garbage business," said Karen, a 56-year-old former school psychologist. "We tend to look at it more as neighbors helping neighbors."
Karen and her son Kyle, 23, don't actually collect trash. Instead, they operate a valet service that moves trash, recycling and yard waste bins to the curb and back again.
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