Fulton County Fights Atlanta's Trash PlanFulton County Fights Atlanta's Trash Plan
November 8, 2004
Patricia-Anne Tom
Atlanta -- Fulton County is threatening legal action over Atlanta's plan to truck its garbage over county lines. Atlanta recently signed a deal with Advanced Disposal to accept as much as 75,000 more tons of garage at its Welcome All Road facility in south Fulton. The trash will then be transferred to Advanced's Eagle Point Landfill in Forsyth County, north of Atlanta. The city also signed a deal with Republic Services Inc. to send its trash to a transfer station run by a Cobb County company. Republic would then transfer garbage to its Pine Ridge Landfill in Butts County.
However, Fulton County's Attorney says the city should have received county approval before making its new plan.
Atlanta has been searching for a place for its trash since a court order instructed the Live Oak Landfill in DeKalb County to close by December 1. The Live Oak facility currently accepts Atlanta's garbage. There are just about three weeks remaining for the city to develop a trash disposal solution.
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