Outsourcing Waste Hauler Buys AnotherOutsourcing Waste Hauler Buys Another
Outsourcing waste hauler Custom Ecology Inc. has bought another outsourcing waste hauler, First Tee Transport Inc.
New York-based private equity firm Kinderhook Industries LLC, which owns Mableton, Ga.-based Custom Ecology, said in a news release Custom Ecology purchased the company for an undisclosed amount.
First Tee, based in Pinehurst, N.C., provides municipal solid waste (MSW) hauling and MSW transfer station loading service for large commercial haulers. The acquisition expands Custom Ecology’s southeastern footprint with First Tee’s service to North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Oklahoma and Arkansas.
Custom Ecology provides outsourcing hauling services for large commercial haulers for three waste streams: MSW, hazardous and industrial.
“The acquisition of First Tee will expand the company’s geographic footprint to 10 states, three of which we did not previously service,” said Craig Stafford, Custom Ecology president and founder. “The company will be the dominant outsourced waste services provider in the Southeast.”
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