No Evidence of Leakages from Landfill, CC Report IndicatesNo Evidence of Leakages from Landfill, CC Report Indicates

September 25, 2014

1 Min Read
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New Kent / Charles City Courier

When county resident David Ledbetter addressed concerns about violations by Waste Management to Charles City supervisors at a Sept. 3 town hall meeting, some citizens lashed out at local representatives for not relaying information on the situation to the public. However, at the Sept. 23 regular board of supervisors meeting, concerns over the violation were clarified.

Documents provided to the Chronicle along with confirmation from county administrator Zach Trogdon revealed that alleged leakages of hazardous materials from the Waste Management landfill into groundwater were misconstrued from earlier reports.

During the town hall meeting, Ledbetter read a report provided by Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) on Waste Management’s non-compliance to violations. Those violations targeted three tanks that allegedly housed hazardous waste that was seeping through the tanks into groundwater and local residents’ wells this past June and July. However, a report by CH2MHill, the company that reports the activity of Waste Management to county supervisors, says that information was false.

Continue reading at the New Kent / Charles City Courier

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