Maine Town Wants to Unearth Landfill Contents and Move ThemMaine Town Wants to Unearth Landfill Contents and Move Them

July 30, 2021

1 Min Read
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The city of Old Town, Maine has submitted an application to the state's Department of Environmental Protection to close its C&D landill and completely remove its contents.

The Juniper Ridge landfill has been closed since 2014. However, it is unlined which could pose problems in the future. City officials want to unearth all of the trash and transport it 4.8 miles away to another landfill.

The goal is to mitigate any environmental impact that might occur as well as reclaim the former landfill for green space. Old Town would be reimbursed for about 75% of the costs of the project.

Read the entire article here.


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