This Week in Waste: Top Stories October 3 - 7This Week in Waste: Top Stories October 3 - 7
The waste industry is constantly growing and evolving. At the forefront of this expansion of knowledge are individuals and organizations looking into the information others discard. In this week's "This Week in Waste" recap, we look into some of the emerging ideas shaking the industry up.

1. Study: Compostable Packaging Lowers Consumer Confusion, Contamination at Restaurants
Stefanie Valentic
Research by CompostAble Chicago sponsored by The Foodservice Packaging Institute (FPI) studied the effectiveness of waste diversion being done by foodservice venues. The study focused on the role of compostable packaging within the industry alongside other variables. The study found that venues that used compostable packaging were also more likely to collect food scraps for compost and reduce contamination.
2. Episode 167: Using Data & Technology to Solve the Wasted Food Crisis
Liz Bothwell
In this episode of NothingWasted! we talk with Ryan Begin, the CEO of Divert, an organization aimed at creating innovative and efficient solutions for eliminating food waste. Begin speaks about using data to reduce waste and how this can be beneficial for a growing business. The CEO shares that on average $40,000 of food is being wasted per store, a number his organization hopes to bring down.
3. California’s New Law and EPR Around Plastics Breaks Boundaries
Arlene Karidis
The state of California is requiring producers of single-use plastic packaging and plastic single-use food service ware who do business in the state to join a producer responsibility organization by the beginning of next year. The act establishes some of the strictest plastic reduction targets in the nation. Another goal of the organization is to increase awareness of the end of life of plastics.
4. Why Dow is Getting Behind Hybrid Mechanical and Chemical Recycling Plants
Arlene Karidis
There are two main types of plastic recycling; mechanical and chemical. Each process has its own pros, cons, and place in the industry. The chemical company Dow has leaned into both processes by pursuing a facility that houses both styles of plastic recycling under the same roof.
5. Nathan Frischkorn of Waste Pro Talks Dedication in the Waste Industry
Jonathan Pierron
Nathan Frischkorn a division manager with Waste Pro tells Waste360 about his experience working in the waste industry since he started in high school. His story is an example of the importance of hard work and dedication in this industry. Frischkorn explains his climb up the ladder of the company and what's gotten him there.
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