January 1, 2004

1 Min Read
The Invisible Can

Erin Spinka

It was not a mad scientist's brew that recently caused the strange appearance and then disappearance of 3,600 96-gallon trash cans in South Miami-Dade County, Fla. The lime-green cans were placed on the curb by the solid waste department early one morning to the surprise of residents, who had not been notified that the department would be testing a pilot program using an automated “one-arm bandit” truck. This left residents wondering where the cans came from and whether to place their garbage in the new bins or their own.

Attempting to correct the situation, yet further confusing residents, the county removed the new cans three days later, after some residents already had discarded their old cans. Nevertheless, with a little more organization, the department says it will try launching the automated collection program again soon.

Source: The Miami Herald

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