State Disputes Recycling Estimate In Anti-Bottle Bill Ad
October 5, 2014
Under fire from environmentalists for alleged inaccuracies in a television ad, an industry-backed group mobilized to defeat a bottle bill referendum has added a citation attributing an estimate to a state agency, which is also disputing the figure used.
No On Question 2: Stop Forced Deposits is trying to defeat a ballot question that if passed would expand the bottle deposit law to include water bottles, tea and sports drinks, but not milk or liquor.
After the group launched a television ad this week claiming 90 percent of Massachusetts residents have curbside recycling programs, arguing the bottle-deposit is unnecessary to boost recycling, the environmental groups seeking passage of Question 2 protested, arguing that figure was incorrect.
In response to inquiries from the television stations running the ads, the political group opposing the bottle bill added a citation to the ad, claiming the Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs as its source for the figure, according to No On 2 spokeswoman Nicole Giambusso.
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