Republic Services Inc. 161Republic Services Inc. 161
August 17, 2009
(puchased Allied Waste Industries Inc.)
2010 Waste Age 100 Rank: 2
Previous Rank: 2
Headquarters: Phoenix, AZ
CEO: Jim O'Connor
Public or Private: Publicly Traded
Stock Symbol: RSG
Founded: 1998
Employees: 31,000
Web site:
Customers: Commercial/Industrial, Residential
Services: Collection, Third-Party Hauling/Long Haul, Transfer Stations, Recycling Services, Hazardous Waste, Landfills
2009 Revenue: $8.20 bil.
2008 Revenue: $3.60 bil. (only includes Allied Waste revenue from 12/5 to 12/31)
Projected 2010 Revenue: $8.15 bil.
After years as the solid waste industry's third-largest private hauler, Republic Services celebrated its 10th anniversary in style in 2008 by purchasing Allied Waste, then the second-largest hauler in the United States.
The acquisition closed in fourth-quarter 2008. As part of the merger, Republic moved its corporate headquarters from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to Phoenix, where Allied was based. Also, Don Slager, president and COO of Allied, assumed the same titles with Republic.
While Republic was working to close the Allied acquisition, Waste Management, the largest hauler in the country, tried to buy Republic but eventually abandoned the effort, citing the unfavorable state of the financial markets.
Related Information
Learn how Republic Services' growth over the past decade has placed it at the center of a merger-and-acquisition battle among the industry's giants
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