NYC Has a Secret Weapon in its War on Waste (It’s You)NYC Has a Secret Weapon in its War on Waste (It’s You)
“Hack:Trash:NYC” coming to Galvanize NY on October 27-29
October 20, 2017

Every year, six million tons of waste is produced by New York City and disposed through the economically and environmentally unsustainable practice of landfilling. Inspired by NYC’s goal of reaching zero waste by 2030 (0x30), a group of product designers, engineers, waste experts, and environmental lawyers has teamed up to create Hack:Trash:NYC: a three-day collaborative competition to reduce waste in New York City.
The theme of the hackathon is Reuse. With the New York City Department of Sanitation serving in an advisory capacity, the hackathon challenges participants to:
“Develop and pitch an innovative product, business model, service, policy or education campaign, that increases reuse in NYC and results in a meaningful diversion of waste from landfill.”
DSNY’s Deputy Commissioner, Bridget Anderson, says, “We’re excited about this event’s potential to tap into the talent of individual solution-makers to generate innovative and implementable solutions to help NYC reach 0x30.
The 3-day event will feature keynote speakers, an exclusive panel of judges, green investment entrepreneurs, and attractive cash prizes with the potential for mentorship to pursue their concepts. Teams will have Friday through Sunday to develop their ideas, before presentations, judging, and an awards ceremony on Sunday afternoon.
Registration is open, and anyone with an interest in helping build a more sustainable New York is encouraged to sign up at Participants can apply individually or as a part of a team and the focus of this event is on maximizing cross-disciplinary solutions, so participants that register as teams are highly encouraged to diversify talent across topic areas.
Contact: [email protected]
Event Dates: October 27-29, 2017
Location: Galvanize NY
315 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10013
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