NW&RA’s Kneiss Praises Workers on National Garbage Man DayNW&RA’s Kneiss Praises Workers on National Garbage Man Day
1 Min Read
Today is National Garbage Man Day, and the head of the National Waste & Recycling Association (NW&RA) has a message for the industry’s workers and the people they serve.
“We all owe a ‘thanks’ to the dedicated men and women throughout this country collecting and managing our waste and recycling,” said Sharon Kneiss, president and CEO of the NW&RA, in an e-mail. “They are key figures in our communities and essential to public health and well-being. Today is their day, and we honor them. When you see them on their route in your neighborhood, given them a wave and thank them for the service they provide.”
John Arwood, CEO of Jacksonville, Fla.-based Arwood Waste Inc., established National Garbage Man Day last year.
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