Litterbugs Least LovedLitterbugs Least Loved

Steven Averett, Content Director, Waste Group

March 1, 2007

1 Min Read
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It's 11:30 p.m., and your date is going swimmingly. Dinner was superb, and your companion laughed at all of your jokes. But now the movie's over, and the evening is drawing to close. What to do with that pesky soda cup that's preventing you from taking your newfound love in your arms? Best deposit it in a designated receptacle, Romeo.

So says a new survey conducted by the Philadelphia Streets Department, which found that 66 percent of singles polled would refuse to go out on a date with someone they've seen throwing trash and recyclables on the ground. Questioned further, 71 percent of the 285 single adults (aged 18 and over) surveyed said they would tell someone they were dating to stop littering, while only 25 percent said they would ignore the behavior. A principled 4 percent said they would choose to never see the loathsome litterbug again.

Which begs the question, is it still okay to throw rice at the wedding?

Source: City of Philadelphia Streets Department

About the Author

Steven Averett

Content Director, Waste Group, Waste360

Steven Averett joined the Waste Age staff in February 2006. Since then he has helped the magazine expand its coverage and garner a range of awards from FOLIO, the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE) and the Magazine Association of the Southeast (MAGS). He recently won a Gold Award from ASBPE for humor writing.

Before joining Waste Age, Steven spent three years as the staff writer for Industrial Engineer magazine, where he won a gold GAMMA Award from MAGS for Best Feature. He has written and edited material covering a wide range of topics, including video games, film, manufacturing, and aeronautics.

Steven is a graduate of the University of Georgia, where he earned a BA in English.

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