Dumpy DietDumpy Diet
November 1, 2004
Wendy Angel
ABOUT 7,000 OVERWEIGHT buzzards are going hungry in Colombia because of a new garbage dump. The flock of birds put on their superfluous pounds munching on the 300 tons of trash that was brought each day to the Veracruz de Santa Marta dump, which shut down in September after a new disposal site was built. The new, high-tech dump keeps garbage open to the air for only 15 minutes, so the buzzards don't have the time — or strength — to feed there. The creatures have been used to such a plentiful food supply for 20 years that they tripled in weight, lost their instinct to scavenge and even forgot how to fly. A city garbage worker has taken pity on the birds and has launched a campaign to help them migrate to another area. If Canadians are still seeking a way to deal with their trash instead of exporting it to Michigan, maybe the buzzards can be sent there.
Source: www.Boston.com
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