11 Social Media Tips for Maximizing Your Presence at WasteExpo (Or Any Event)11 Social Media Tips for Maximizing Your Presence at WasteExpo (Or Any Event)

Here are some easy tips that’ll have customers and prospects talking about your brand before, during and after WasteExpo.

Liz Bothwell, Head of Content & Marketing

March 3, 2020

3 Min Read
Waste360 logo in a gray background | Waste360

Whether your company is new to social media—or Twitter and Facebook are old-hat—it can be tricky to know the best ways to use it for event-related marketing. And, incorporating social media is an easy (and necessary) way to drive traffic to your booth.

So, we’ve got some easy tips that’ll have customers and prospects talking about your brand before, during and after WasteExpo!



1. Start early

In order to maximize the power of your show-related social media, don’t wait until the last minute to start talking about the fact that you’ll be at WasteExpo. Connect with your followers by telling them what they can expect at your booth and getting them excited for any special events or contests your company is doing.

2. Use the show #hashtag

In order to boost the views and reach of your posts, be sure to use the event’s hashtag: #WasteExpo. Tag all of your posts before, during and after the show to ensure that your brand is in on the discussion about the event. And make sure your booth team is doing the same 

3. Invite your fans and followers—and save them $$$

Share your VIP tickets with your colleagues, prospects and customers through social media, and offer them a discount of 25% off the Conference Program and FREE Exhibit Hall admission! We’ll be mailing and emailing those before the holidays.



4. Create shareable content

Make sure your booth lends itself to shareable content. This can be achieved through fun photo ops that visitors can share online—as well as your own short videos (perhaps of employees talking about a great new product, or customer testimonials).

By the way, are we Facebook friends? If not, connect with WasteExpo. Tag us in posts and we'll like, share and comment! 

Not a member of our Linkedin community? Join now, start a discussion and share your knowledge!

How about Instagram? Same applies. #WasteExpo and have some fun!

5. Pre-schedule posts

Your booth staff is bound to be busy during WasteExpo. This is great, but it means they might not have time to craft killer social-media posts multiple times per day. So, why not pre-schedule a few relevant Tweets and posts that will regularly deploy without booth personnel having to think twice?

6. Make it easy for attendees to follow your brand

Include your social handles on materials that you’ll hand out at the booth; it’s a great way to connect with new leads!

7. Listen

Have an employee (it can even be someone not onsite) monitor your social accounts and #WasteExpo throughout the show. They can “listen” and respond to your followers, and see what attendees are talking about. In this way, your brand will have its finger on the pulse of WasteExpo and also be able to follow up quickly on any comments or questions of note.



8. Keep the discussion going

You’ve put in all this work to engage and build your audience—now keep up the momentum! If show attendees (i.e. potential customers!) become new followers of your brand, follow them back. Like and comment on what they post, and try to engage in an active online conversation.

9. Define how you want to measure success

It can be helpful to have a plan in place for measuring the impact of your social-media efforts around WasteExpo. Perhaps your goal is new followers/leads, or increased engagement with your social accounts? Whatever the case, take inventory after the show and determine what you should tweak next time.  

10. Email new leads

It’s a common best practice to email your new leads after a trade show, right? When you do so, include some of the great shareable content that you generated during the show—and don’t forget links that make it easy for people to follow your brand online.

11. Be a thought leader

Have a blog post or article you’ve written that highlights your expertise? Share it with us, so we can share with our attendees and get them geared up for your presence at the event! It’s a win-win! 


In this day and age, social media is a must! We hope you’ll find these tips useful as you plan for WasteExpo 2020 in New Orleans!

About the Author

Liz Bothwell

Head of Content & Marketing, Waste360

Liz Bothwell is head of content and marketing for Waste360, proud host of the NothingWasted! Podcast, and ghostwrites for others to keep her skills sharp and creative juices flowing. She loves family, football, her French bulldogs, and telling stories that can help to make the world a more sustainable place.

Follow her on Linkedin or Twitter

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