East Kentucky Power Collective to Expand Landfill Gas-to-Energy Production at Bavarian LandfillEast Kentucky Power Collective to Expand Landfill Gas-to-Energy Production at Bavarian Landfill
The expansion is expected to be completed before the end of August.
East Kentucky Power Cooperative is embarking on a $2.9 million expansion to add capacity to its plant next to the Bavarian Landfill in Boone County. The expansion is expected to be completed before the end of August, increasing power production to 4.6 megawatts of capacity, or enough electricity to meet the needs of 2,500 average Kentucky homes.
EnergyCentral.com has more.
The Winchester-based G&T has been producing power from landfill gas at the site since 2003.
Even with EKPCs existing plant, the landfill had excess methane gas, said Bill Kennedy, EKPCs landfill gas manager. EKPC and Bavarian Landfill have had a good relationship since 2003 when the original plant began operating, so this just made sense.
East Kentucky Power now operates six landfill gas-to-energy plants in six Kentucky counties. The total output produces enough electricity for nearly 8,000 homes. The plants are part of the G&Ts diverse portfolio of generation resources, which include coal and natural gas-based and renewable energy generation.
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