This Week in Waste: Top stories June 17 – June 20This Week in Waste: Top stories June 17 – June 20

This week's top stories include a couple of food waste stories are on this week's menu, plus learn more about one of our 40 Under 40 award winners!

Gage Edwards, Content Producer

July 21, 2023

#5 - Researchers Study Link Between Food Waste and Time Preferences

In a recent study, researchers have uncovered a significant connection between individuals' time preferences and their tendency to waste food. The findings provide a valuable behavioral economic perspective on the complex issue of food waste, shedding light on the underlying behavioral mechanisms that contribute to this global issue.

Read the full article here.

#4 - How Automation and Artificial Intelligence Are Transforming E-Recycling

The e-recycling market is growing fast, with more small- and mid-sized companies, such as electronics repair shops and recyclers managing other commodities, moving into this niche. At the same time, veteran e-recyclers meet new demands as standards and policies evolve.

Read the full article here.

#3 - Columbia, Mo. Releases Waste Data Collection Results Following Suspension of Recycling Program

Columbia, Mo. is searching for waste management solutions following the suspension of its curbside recycling program in May. The city, along with RRT Design & Construction, began data collection before the program's halt, but not before learning that the number of curbside containers was lower than expected.

Read the full article here.

#2 - Kids’ Food Basket Teaches Kids the Power of Composting

Michigan-based Kids’ Food Basket delivers 10,000 meals a day to local school kids, made from produce grown on the grassroots nonprofit’s ten-acre farm.

Read the full article here.

#1 - Sarah Gustitus-Graham Dives into the Challenges of Landfills

Destined for the waste industry, Sarah Gustitus-Graham has spent the better part of her life striving to make a positive impact on the waste industry, solving today's issues through her work engineering and planning new landfills.

Read the full article here.

About the Author

Gage Edwards

Content Producer, Waste360

Gage Edwards is a Content Producer at Waste360 and seasoned video editor.

Gage has spent the better part of 10 years creating content in various industries but mostly revolving around video games.

Gage loves video games, theme parks, and loathes littering.

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