E-Waste OttomanE-Waste Ottoman

February 13, 2012

1 Min Read
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Photo courtesy of Rodrigo Alonso.If you happen to be facing the dual dilemmas of, “How do I recycle my electronic waste,” and “I sure could use more seating around here,” have we got an answer for you! Chilean designer Rodrigo Alonso, through a project titled N+ew (No More Electronic Waste), is making large stools from compressed e-waste. The technique involves piling keyboards, cables, computer mice, cell phones, televisions, circuit boards and any other e-waste that comes to hand in a large stool-shaped form. Then epoxic resin is poured over the material and allowed to set. The result looks like a Jell-O mold cooked up by the IT department. Aluminum feet are attached and, voila – modern art that makes you feel guilty for upgrading your iPhone.

The bad news is that the N+ew stools exist primarily as art pieces and are thus prohibitively expensive for those of us used to obtaining most of our furniture at IKEA. The good news is you won’t have to explain this particular interior design decision to your mother-in-law.

Source: ralonso.com via thecreatorsproject.com

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