Asia’s E-Waste Levels Continue to Climb, Study ShowsAsia’s E-Waste Levels Continue to Climb, Study Shows
A recent study conducted by the United Nations University shows that the volume of e-waste in both East and Southeast Asia has risen 63 percent between 2010 and 2015.
A recent study conducted by the United Nations University shows that the volume of e-waste in both East and Southeast Asia has risen 63 percent between 2010 and 2015, reaching a total of 12.3 million tonnes. The report claims that social and technological process and lack of education and motivation to blame for the massive spike.
Engadget has more details:
If you thought our throwaway gadget culture was already having a nasty effect on the environment, watch out... it's getting considerably worse. A United Nations University study has revealed that the volume of e-waste in East and Southeast Asia surged 63 percent between 2010 and 2015, reaching 12.3 million tonnes. Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and mainland China were unsurprisingly the largest local generators. But why the rapid spike?
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