Rapid City, S.D., Landfill to Undergo $7M ExpansionRapid City, S.D., Landfill to Undergo $7M Expansion
The expansion, which is expected to be complete in August, will include the addition of two landfill cells.

The Rapid City, S.D., landfill will soon undergo a $7 million expansion to extend its lifeline by about two decades. The landfill currently accepts approximately 450 tons of waste per day and only has one operating cell remaining.
The expansion, which is expected to be complete in August, will include the addition of two landfill cells.
The Associated Press has more information:
Rapid City is planning a $7 million expansion of the city landfill so it doesn’t run out of space.
The Rapid City Journal reports the City Council this month authorized the advertising of contractor bids for a project to create two additional landfill cells. The work is expected to be finished in August.
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