Harvest Power Starts Anaerobic Digestion Faciliity for Organic WasteHarvest Power Starts Anaerobic Digestion Faciliity for Organic Waste
Harvest Power has launched what it calls the largest commercial-scale high solids anaerobic digester in North America for organic waste, in Richmond, British Columbia.
The Waltham, Mass.-based Harvest Power said in a news release the facility, termed the Energy Garden, has the capacity to convert 40,000 metric tons of food and yard waste per year from residential and commercial generators into clean energy and compost.
Harvest Power’s Energy Garden uses a batch two-stage anaerobic digestion technology. The facility can produce enough energy to power about 900 homes per year and provide soil products to local farms, gardens and landscapes.
“This facility represents the innovation, passion and commitment required to usher in the future of organics management,” said Paul Sellew, Harvest Power founder and CEO. “We are excited to continue our partnership with the Metro Vancouver and the city of Richmond community to cost-effectively convert organic materials once destined for the landfill into clean energy and compost products.”
Financing for the Energy Garden included $4 million from Natural Resources Canada and $1.5 million from BC Bioenergy Network.
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