BIOFerm Selected for New York State Anaerobic Digestion ProjectBIOFerm Selected for New York State Anaerobic Digestion Project
June 21, 2015
Renewable Energy from Waste
The town of North Elba, New York, has selected BIOFerm Energy Systems/Viessmann Group, Madison, Wisconsin, as the anaerobic digester technology provider for a community organic diversion project expected to begin this year. The biodigester is designed for source-separated municipal food and organic wastes at a regional level.
An estimated 900 tons of organic waste from nearby residences, restaurants and grocery stores are currently sent to area landfills in North Elba each year. Once the BIOFerm technology is installed, this same waste will instead be diverted to the town’s biodigester, slashing greenhouse gas emissions associated with the region’s organic waste and creating green energy, the company says.
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