Post Combat/Natural Disaster, Rapid Response Infrastructure Stabilization Using UV Cure Lining Technology (WWETT Show 2023)

March 23, 2023


This session will explore the unique benefits offered by mainline UV CIPP to rapidly repair, stabilize and facilitate interim facilities and infrastructure in the wake of large scale combat operations or natural disasters. With its small footprint and ability to operate with minimal support infrastructure UV CIPP can be on the ground making a difference in a very short period of time.  The ability of FRP liners to be free standing makes them uniquely capable of temporary emplacement to get systems operating until more permanent repairs can be carried out.  The nature of the curing equipment allows for deployment on a variety of chassis and equipment facilitating access into even the roughest terrain with or without road access.

Learning Objectives:

1. Present information about the unique abilities of UV CIPP to operate in the unimproved chaos following major impact events

2. Discuss non-traditional approaches for material deployment to aid post disaster cleanup and reestablishment of functional infrastructure

3. Present several hypothetical scenarios showing the potential methods and means of liner deployment

4. Provide detail on potential management and logistics for such an operation

Speaker:  Jason Homrighaus

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