Applications of Advanced Pipeline Condition Assessment for Asset Management Programs (WWETT Show 2023)Applications of Advanced Pipeline Condition Assessment for Asset Management Programs (WWETT Show 2023)

March 23, 2023


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Pipeline condition assessment (PCA) is a critical component of asset management. When implementing a pipeline condition assessment program, various factors should be considered to select cost-effective methods. This presentation will describe the challenges of inspecting non-pressure and pressure pipe including metallic and non-metallic pipe. It will define PCA technologies utilized within the visual and non-visual categories of inspection systems. It will demonstrate the 4 major levels of inspection hierarchy and how this supports a comprehensive risk-based asset management program for buried pipelines. In addition, multi-sensor inspection systems will be introduced as well as how pipeline inspection is being integrated with pipeline rehabilitation technology to provide advanced solutions for challenging applications.

Learning Objectives:

1. Discuss challenges of inspecting non-pressure and pressure pipe including metallic and non-metallic pipe

2. Identify PCA technologies utilized within the visual and non-visual categories of inspection systems

3. Discover the 4 major levels of inspection hierarchy and how this supports a comprehensive risk-based asset management program for buried pipelines

4. Define how pipeline inspection is being integrated with pipeline rehabilitation technology to provide advanced solutions for challenging applications

Speakers:  Tom Iseley, Professor of Engineering Practice at Purdue University; Mark Wade, President at BlueWater Solutions Group Inc.; Wei Liao, Lead Research Engineer at Purdue University


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