Southern Company Launches Giant Wood Waste Biomass FacilitySouthern Company Launches Giant Wood Waste Biomass Facility
Energy firm Southern Co. has launched what it is calling the largest biomass facility in the United States, a 100-megawatt unit near Sacul, Texas.
The Atlanta-based power company said in a news release that the Nacogdoches Generating Facility, located on 65 acres in northeast Texas, will be fueled by non-merchantable wood waste. It will create a combination of wood-based biomass fuels from primarily saw mill or other wood mill production waste, forest waste, pre-commercial thinnings of cultivated trees, and diseased and other non-commercial tree species. The facility also could use urban wood waste, tree limbs and branches produced by storms and other non-commercial logging-derived biomass.
Southern said the facility represents an investment of about $500 million. It creates 40 permanent jobs.
The Texas power company Austin Energy is receiving energy from the plant through a 20-year purchase agreement.
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